BlendWorks Digital Marketing

My Journey to Authenticity in Digital Marketing

Insights from My Appearance on There’s More Where That Came from Podcast with Adrianne Meyer of Bandit Branding.

I had the incredible opportunity to share my story and insights in a recent podcast discussion with Adrianne Meyer on her “There’s More Where That Came from Podcast”.

We delved deep into the world of authenticity in business and how podcasts play a pivotal role in brand building. Allow me to take you through the fascinating journey we discussed.

Authenticity in Digital Marketing, BlendWorks Digital Marketing

**Discovering the “Low and Slow” Method**

Adrianne and I kicked off our conversation by talking about the importance of the “low and slow” approach in building a business. We both agreed that true success doesn’t happen overnight, and even those who appear to be overnight sensations often have a long history of hard work and dedication behind them. We acknowledged that there’s no substitute for consistency and persistence.

**A Career Change Story: From Healthcare to Digital Marketing**

Adrianne was curious about my journey into digital marketing, particularly the career change aspect. Before venturing into the world of digital marketing, I had a career in healthcare, specializing in ultrasound. While it was a stable and financially rewarding profession, I realized that it was taking a toll on my physical well-being. The constant strain on my body, coupled with the long hours, made me question the quality of life I was leading.

Moreover, my husband Brett was often away for work, leaving me to juggle a demanding career and caring for our newborn child. The grueling routine of dropping off my baby at daycare before dawn and picking him up late in the evening left me yearning for a better work-life balance.

The turning point came when I decided to help my husband with building This endeavor ignited a spark within me, and I began to explore the world of digital marketing. As I honed my skills and started taking on clients, word spread about my abilities. People began asking, “Who built your website?” It was at this juncture that I realized I had a knack for digital marketing, and I started to transition away from healthcare.

**The Birth of BlendWorks Digital Marketing**

With the encouagement and support of Brett, I took a leap of faith and officially started my digital marketing business in January 2020. I already had a few clients in my portfolio, and I was determined to create a business that would not only provide for my family but also grant me the flexibility to be present for my children and participate in their lives.

However, what began as a part-time venture quickly evolved into a full-fledged business. I found it challenging to say no to potential clients, and my business organically grew beyond my expectations. Late nights at the computer became the norm as I balanced work with caring for my children during the day.

Despite the challenges, I was driven by a passion for helping small businesses, especially during the challenging times brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. I took on clients from various industries, forming meaningful relationships built on mutual support and trust.

My journey from healthcare to digital marketing has been a transformative experience. It’s a testament to the power of authenticity, persistence, and a supportive network. This podcast discussion with Adrianne allowed me to reflect on the significant changes I’ve made in my career and personal life. It also reinforced the idea that true success is not about overnight achievements but rather the result of hard work, dedication, and a genuine desire to make a positive impact in the lives of business owners.